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Is Cat Vomiting Normal? — What You Need to Know

Actually it is not normal for your cat to be vomiting!

Many people believe it is completely normal for a cat to vomit but it really isn’t normal at all. So often we hear “she vomits a couple times a week but she’s always done that, its normal for her”. She just eats too fast. Or it’s just a hairball. Or she doesn’t chew her food. Many cat owners believe these to be acceptable reasons for their cat to be vomiting. Many cats swallow their dry food whole without vomiting. And remember, cats are designed to groom and ingest some hair. These should not be seen as acceptable causes of vomiting. Frequent production of hairballs can be a sign of impaired intestinal mobility and intestinal disease.

While vomiting is not normal, it is common. 1 out of 5 cats over the age of 10 vomits chronically. We also see younger cats who vomit chronically. Chronic vomiting is defined as vomiting more than twice a month and should be seen as a medical concern.

Just some of the causes of chronic vomiting include small intestinal disease, liver disease, kidney disease and hyperthyroidism. In one study, 99 out of 100 cats with chronic vomiting had an intestinal disorder. Food allergy/intolerance, foreign bodies and parasites can also be causes of vomiting.

So next time you are cleaning a hairball off the floor, give us a call. We’ll help you determine the real cause of that vomiting.


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